COVID-19 track
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Tracking the States and the CDC For months, we've worked to patch together inconsistent state-reported data into a national set of numbers for COVID-19 case, death, and testing in the US. The CDC has now published a COVID Data Tracker, but their data only partially matches the numbers we get from the state public health authorities. So we took a closer look.
By Jessica Malaty Rivera & Amber WojcekMay 20, 2020
Position Statement on Antibody Data Reporting As antibody tests become more widely available across the United States, we call on all states and territories to preserve the integrity and usefulness of their COVID-19 testing data by maintaining separate viral testing and antibody testing counts.
By Quang P. Nguyen & Erin KissaneMay 14, 2020
We’re Launching a New State Grading System We're rolling out a new, more rigorous system for grading the public health data each state reports. This new scoring system sets a more comprehensive and exact standard for evaluating how complete and meaningful each state’s data is.